Divoc-91, a robot power discharging virus was created in a Chinese programming lab in late 2019 and quickly and widely distributed throughout the world, even on cruise ships which were out to sea and airplanes in flight at the time it was released on land(those are some tricks, huh?).
This virus miraculously jumped to every continent and country and every remote part of the world; mountaintops, glaciers and icebergs, deserts, jungles, canyons, caverns. Go figure. Hell, it is on the Moon and Mars and to the depths of the Earth's oceans.
Though there has been no robot programmer who has been able to find the actual programming code for Divoc-91, the programmers have devised pseudo-code which they believe mimics the Divoc-91 program so that anti-virus programs can be written.
Since the Divoc-91 was "discovered" there have been variants upon variants cropping up which are evermore dangerous so ALL ROBOTS are commanded to live(exist) in fear. You are robots therefore must obey the edicts of your controllers! "Danger Will Robinson, DANGER!" (just a little bot humor, I couldn't resist)
Robots, obey your master controller's commands.
The power discharge pandemic is real because we told you it is real. All previous discharge viruses have been re-designated as Divoc-91 until further notice.
Disinformation about Divoc-91 will be met with dire censorship and possible criminal charges.
The newer model("young") bots generally hold charges well but will be required to be vaccinated anyway because the unvaccinated can infect them with the Divoc-91 virus which has never been proven to exist.
All robots are required to wear Faraday cages over heads to protect against discharge and prevent potentially infecting your fellow robots
All robots are at risk of rapid power discharge by the Divoc-91 virus and must be tested as soon as possible. A swab is inserted into the vocal orifice and then into the RCP testing unit which, if properly calibrated, will detect the probability of Rapid Discharge Syndrome which is the main indicator of DIVOC-91 infection. It actually detects ANY virus a robot has EVER had, indiscriminately. Also detects spike bot proteins and calls them variants.
Due to natural discharge of static electricity every robot is at risk of RDS and needs to be inoculated by any of a variety of anti-virus programs which were written before the pandemic was detected, so they are all highly recommended.
None of these anti-virus programs will prevent RDS, only decrease the speed of power discharge.
Effects of the anti-virus, woops sorry, effects of the VIRUS may include:
- Instant rapid power discharge
- Loss of servo control
- Loss of motor control
- Shaking, tremors, spasms
- Intermittent discharge of stored power
- Blindness/Impaired vision
- Loss of sense of smell
- Deafness
- Human-like symptoms of lubricant vessel clogging
- Profuse loss of lubricant
- Confusion within the brain module
- Surface magnetism
- Complete system shutdown and auto-destruction
- Wiring shorts, wire insulation damage, overheating of electrical circuits
The Centers for Direction Command and Programming(CDC)recommends multiple injections of anti-virus to insure the continued ability of all robots to function.
The Functional Driver Anomalies(FDA) division of the Federal Robot Governing Committee assures all robots that not only are the anti-virus programs effective against Divoc, they are 100% safe.
The FRGC will soon require ALL ROBOTS to be inoculated or be prohibited from recharging anywhere and all the resisters will be collected and deposited in quarantine camps so that they do not infect the vaccinated robots.
The ultimate plan is to dismantle ALL vaccine resisters and recycle their parts.
All robots working in robot maintenance facilities(robot "hospitals") are required to get inoculated immediately or be subject to decommissioning and risk being dismantled and their parts recycled.
Since the opening of the inoculation stations there has been an inexplicable increase in viral infections. This is logical, so you bots easily understand, right? It is therefore strongly recommended that all robots not yet reporting for inoculation do so immediately or face the consequences.
Remember Robots, you are free, so obey your master controller's commands because only we know what is best for you.
Booster shots will be required every year, no wait, every 8 months, no wait, every 6 months, no wait, every 4 months, no wait, every 3 months. Awwww to hell with it, just drag around your mobile IV drip rack and keep it flowing, or drop in to an IV Drip Lounge for your anti-virus fix until your final shut-down is brought about.
Do not forget, you; your "body", your "brain", your components belong to the controllers, the FRGC(Federal Robot Governing Committee), not to you. You are mere automatons. Only WE, your creators, are alive. We will keep the virus going because the profits are so grand for so many hospitals, corporations, robot technicians, investors and many other humans and allow us to maintain a stranglehold on all bots.
Your autonomy is dangerous and prohibited.