
Revolve to Evolve
Beyond the Breaking Point

The covid "vax" is legalized, sanctioned, and mandated
body-rape, assault and battery, and mass murder.



Climate alarmists are lying just to make money but are worse than lying used car salespeople because the alarmists are selling their shit "vehicles" to millions in order to make billions of $$$ while destroying the environment in the process. AND: YOU, ME will be forced to pay them taxes to save the world.

Notice their methods:
  • Destroy the CO2 consuming/oxygen producing forests
  • Destroy food and meat processing plants
  • Kill livestock
  • Burn people out of their homes and kill people
  • Shut down clean-burning coal power plants
  • Limit petroleum and natural gas
  • Construct ineffective wind and solar farms
  • Commit vast environmental terrorism
    Shall I go on? Naw. It's pissing me off too much.