Revolve to Evolve
Beyond the Breaking Point

The covid "vax" is legalized, sanctioned, and mandated
body-rape, assault and battery, and mass murder.

  • Greed

  • Greed should be officially classified as a disease, a mental disorder. Not just that, it should be seen for what it basically is: aggressive, selfish, antisocial(sociopathic) and narcissistic behavior. Some greedy people claim to be philanthropists but few really are. They just use that term "philanthropy" as a diversionary manipulation tactic, tax shelters, self-aggrandizement and bragging.
    We blame all kinds of societal and environmental ills on "capitalism" and want to replace it with some other "ism" like communism or socialism when the solution isn't another "ism", the solution is merely a change in perspective on an individual basis.
    Sean Hannity's "greed is good" comment a few years ago was his admission to having one of the most serious of all mental disorders.
    Ego strokers loving self aggrandizement and superiority complex.
    Greed comes in many flavors(or in covid-speak, "variants")
    Can be money, power, notoriety, accolades, popularity, and on and on. Usually, people with the greed virus also have many variants inside themselves.
    I like the saying "He who dies with the most toys wins." I'll just add , you're still one dead mutherfuker for eternity. HAHAHA
    There is enough of everything on this planet for every person, at least twice, hell, a hundredfold the population, for everyone to have an abundance of food, shelter, clothing, energy, clean water and air but it is greed that ruins life of our fellow humans and destroys the environment.
    Greedy people are just like hoarders and a clear-headed person sees it for what it is, yet so many people have the same disease that they admire greedhoarders. It's a shame.
    The primary pandemic is GREED. Greed and avarice and envy are all related contagions.
    You are scum and are so decadent that you have no sense of self left. May God have Mercy.
    Too bad Mark Twain isn't here to speak the raw truth which most people don't want to hear anymore. It is easier to get our rote opinions from celebrities and other icons. What a shame.
    Most modern day people will jump on any bandwagon and point their shriveled fingers at the boogeyman, sorry for my political incorrectness{not], boogeyperson, cuz that's what we're taught in the government indoctrination camps(public schools), on TV "news" and social media and all that disinformation, brainwash SHITE.