Revolve to Evolve
Beyond the Breaking Point

The covid "vax" is legalized, sanctioned, and mandated
body-rape, assault and battery, and mass murder.


  • Unification, Not Division

Let's revive optimism!

Seems the provocateurs are the mainstream news spouting the agenda talking points. Flip through the tv channels(if you still use that poison) and they all are synchronized. Does anyone smell "soviet"?
It can be extremely difficult to tolerate the falsehoods and propaganda and to remain optimistic amid the din and racket and lies and deceptions and brainwashing.The "Mainstream" Media(MM) is nothing more than a propaganda machine whose SOLE purpose is brainwashing. This includes their advertisers, most of whom are Big Pharmafia, Big Med, Big Insurance, Big Government, Big Corporations, Big Foundations.
The main objective since even before the covid era began has been division. Division of neighbors, division of races, division of sexes, division of FAMILIES! This is horrifying. Now they are dividing people between the vaxed and unvaxed. If you haven't noticed, the MM ALWAYS has a new divider that fits in perfectly with the last divider, like locking pieces of a puzzle and this is all designed specifically to cause division.We are not powerless to break out of the trance but we have to make effort.
The Division Program is built and maintained in order to keep people asleep and in conflict. A beginning on the road to freedom is to turn off the tv(the modern-day "crack") that is more addictive and more harmful than crack ever was. TV functions by bypassing the analytical mind and causing many people to acquire their own "opinions", often verbatim, directly from the manipulators who have hidden and nefarious agendas.
Optimism is possible but it takes action and effort to become deprogrammed from cult manipulation.The covid era continues to cause people to become depressed and feel fearful and hopeless but we have to snap out of that and forge ahead and not let the MM and government threats and fear tactics cause us to fall!
Love will prevail because its opposite, evil, is just a loud weakling and a bully with no self esteem, deserving NO respect.