Our conditions are very liberal. EquesSurge - Conditions of Use

Conditions of Use/Legal

Our conditions are very liberal.

Eques Surge© 1998, 2009, 2019,

Our subscriptions are for the use of our clients but are not limited to one user since, as of this writing, you can share your login with others if you like. However, you are not allowed to "sublet" your account to others and if this activity is detected your account will be revoked and no refund issued.

What some Eques Surge subscribed handicappers may like to do is do workups for others using our system and this is allowed without the need for our express consent.

Eques Surge is for entertainment use only. Any predictions, recommendations, or choices our system outputs in no way guarantees your success and should be considered as entertainment.

Systematica 2020©/Eques Surge© is in no way legally responsible for any data you may acquire from outside sources such as The Daily Racing Form© or Equibase©, nor for user input errors into our system. Our calculations are based on the statistical data which the user provides, but Eques Surge© cannot predict definitive outcomes of any horse races.

If by chance our system does prove of value to you then naturally, we are pleased.

NOTE: We use PayPal©, the reliable and proven credit card processing firm. Eques Surge© never stores your credit card information because it is obtained only by our CC processor. We also use CoinPayments© for crypto payments and AmazonPay© both of which process your data through THEIR systems only.

Use of our system constitutes consensual risk by you, the user. We provide no warranty, neither express nor implied, and any losses users may incur are the sole responsibility of the user.

Eques Surge

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